
Born on November 29, 1958, Craiova, Romania

- She graduated Carol I High School and the Faculty of Mathematics (1981) at the University of Craiova, Romania
- Post-graduate Course of Cultural Management, Felix Meritis University, Amsterdam, Holland (1991)
- Post-graduate Course in Book Editing and Publishing, Department of Cultural Affairs, Paris, France (1996)

Professional Experience
2006 - Member of the Poetry Society of America
2002 - Present - Director of Development, American Friends of Pro Patrimonio, New York
1997-2002 - Director of Cultural Programs, Romanian Cultural Center, New York
1991-1997 - Executive Director of the Romanian Cultural Foundation Bucharest
1981-1982 - Associate producer for Romanian National Television
1986-1989 - Columnist for Theater Review, Bucharest, Romania
1991-1992 - Columnist for the literary journal Romania Literara, Bucharest, Romania
1991 - Editor of IN NOI E UN CER MAI ADEVARAT (THERE IS A TRUER SKY INSIDE US ), an Anthology of Jewish Poetry written in Romanian language, also author of the Selection and Notes, Romanian Cultural Foundation Publishing House
1996 - Editor of ALIEN CANDOR - CANDOARE STRAINA, by Andrei Codrescu, a Bilingual Anthology of Poetry, Romanian Cultural Foundation Publishing House

Professional Affiliation

2003 - Member of the editorial board of “Interpoezia”, New York
2002- Member of the PEN Club, New York
2000- Member of the Modern Language Association of America
1992- - Member of the Editorial Board of the International Review
“Lettre Internationale”, Bucharest(Romania)
1990- - Member of the Writer’s Guild of Romania

Since 2000 she lives in New York.

Her writings appear in translation in many literary magazines and in various anthologies in France, Israel, Sweden, Germany, Ireland, Poland, Canada, U K, and the USA.

She also published many works of poetry and fiction in literary magazines in Romania: România Literară, Vatra, Apostrof, Dilema, Lettre Internationale, România Liberă, 22, Ramuri, Scrisul Românesc, Contrafort etc.
and in the USA: “Exquisite Corpses”, A Journal of Life and Letters, 2002, "Brooklyn Rail", 2002, “Free Verse”, “Ars Interpress”, “Interpoezia”, “Literary Review”, "Notre Dame Review", "Broome Review", "Literary Chaos", "Baraw Street Magazine", “Respiro”,"Talisman", Magazine for Poetry and Poetics, New York.,2001, ”Richmond Review” (London), 2002, "Hubbub", Magazine of Poetry, volume sixteen, 1999-2000, "Transcendental Friends", A Literature and Translations Magazine, November 1999, “Arshile”, A Magazine of the Arts, 10, Los Angels, 1998, "East - European Quarterly", Bolder University, 1999, "Library of Congress Pamphlet Series", 1999.

Readings and Book Signatures in New York at Cornelia Street Café, Rizzoli Bookstore, Russian Samovar, International House, Symphony Space, Barnes & Noble, KGB Bar, Brooklyn Public Library, Romanian Cultural Center, Beyond Baroque Foundation (LA) etc.

Papers on Literature, Politics, and Cultural Policy delivered at:
Library of Congress, Locust Valley Rotary Club, Institute for Holocaust Studies, CUNY Cinematheque, Arizona State University, Stevens Institute of Technology, American-Romanian Academy for Arts and Science etc.

International Awards
* NATIONAL OFFICE OF CINEMATOGRAPHY AWARD FOR SCREENPLAY “STARS’ OWNERS”, Bucharest 1999 (Film premiere: September, 2000; Romanian-Belgium Co-Production)

Translations into Romanian of the American writers :
Will Alexander, Douglas Messerli, Edward Foster, Leonard Schwartz, Tod Thilleman, Andrei Codrescu, Julian Semilian, Bruce Benderson, Andrey Gritsman